Bollywood actor Aditya Roy Kapur is all set to play the lead role in Bhushan Kumar and Murad Khetani’s Hindi remake of Tamil film Thadam. It is the official remake of the 2019 superhit Tamil movie, Thadam, which starred Arun Vijay and Tanya Hope, and Smruthi Venkat in lead roles.
The film will be helmed by debutant director Vardhan Ketkar. Based on true events, the yet-to-be-titled thriller will see Kapur in a double role for the first time. The film is tentatively planned to go on floors in September this year. The upcoming film is being produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Murad Khetani’s Cine1 Studios.
Announcing the film, T Series’ Instagram account read, “We’re excited to announce our next, a thriller, starring @adityaroykapur in a double role for the first time. Hindi remake of the Tamil hit, #Thadam, to be directed by Vardhan Ketkar Produced by #BhushanKumar’s @tseriesfilms & @muradkhetani’s @cine1studios. #tseries @aseemarrora (Sic).
Aditya is excited to work on this challenging role and said in a statement, “I am inspired and excited to be part of telling such an interesting story. The original film was incredibly riveting and entertaining, and it left a lasting impression on me. As an actor, getting a chance to do a double role is double the preparation and double the challenge, and I’m certainly up for it! I look forward to collaborating with Bhushanji, Murad Bhai, and Vardhan to bring this exciting thriller to the screen soon.”
On the movie front, Aditya will also be seen in the upcoming film OM -The Battle Within alongside Dil Bechara actress Sanjana Sanghi.