Former actress and Ms Funny Bones of Bollywood, Twinkle Khanna took to her social media platform today morning and shared a powerful post comparing Korean drama Squid Games to the recent Lakhimpur Kheri violence case. Twinkle shared a piece on how Indians have been playing the “Squid Games” for as long as she can remember. She shared an excerpt from her blog post and compared the games played in the dystopian thriller to cases that made the headlines in the last 2-3 weeks.
Sharing the post, Twinkle wrote: “In India, we have been playing our own version of Squid Game for as long as I can remember, and I am not referring to the numerous times when someone from a crowd pops up and squirts ink on prominent public figures like Baba Ramdev or our Delhi chief minister.”
The former actress penned the piece for a blog in Times of India titled Let the desi Squid Games begin. In the same, she compared the final game played by the contestants of the show to the Lakhimpur Kheri case wherein a speeding Thar SUV car ran over those protesting the three farms law passed by BJP lead Union Government.
Twinkle wrote: “the eponymous final game is played on a demarcated field between defenders and attackers who must cross the area. This is a battle that ends in violent death. Recently the entire country, through a series of viral video clips, witnessed a more weaponised version in Lakhimpur where one team was allegedly run over by the opposing team in their convoy of jeeps and SUVs.”
She also drew a comparison between the game Red Light, Green Light and the safety of women in India. She shared how the women are asked to refrain from interacting with men on several occasions but on Navratri they are given the “green light” to go and mingle with “many boys as they can fit into a garba circle”.
Meanwhile, the Korean drama on Netflix has gained immense popularity and in the last one month, it is all that viewers can talk about. There are memes being circulated on Twitter, some users are obsessing over the conspiracy theories, the all-red suit from the show has taken over the fashion world; all-in-all Squid Game is a rage at the moment!