Bollywood actor Sahil Anand is known for his marvellous acting skill. He had begun his career with Mera Naam Karegi Roshan and had also done a cameo in Student of the Year 2. The movie gave Sahil his much-needed break and ever since there has been no looking back for the actor. Having said that, before Sahil rose to fame, he had struggled a lot to make ends meet.
The actor during an exclusive interview with Times Now Digital revealed that he had very little money when he had started his career.
“I just had money to survive or I had money only to decide whether I will have dinner or lunch. This happened for 1-2 years. I had to decide every day whether I would have lunch or dinner. That was the struggle I went through. I have been there and lived with 5-6 people in a house without a bed. Neeche sote thei. It is more difficult when you are from a good family. I had a lot of struggles. I am from a decent good family and I came in my own wish. My parents did not want me to be in this field. I never took any money from them. I hardly had any money to go to an acting school. I just had money to survive,” the actor revealed.
Sahil who has done his engineering had also got a job in an IT company. He was all set to go to California, but he left the corporate job because of his dream. The actor said, “I had gone to Chandigarh to relax. I had thought that will keep my phone at home for two days. I had written on social media that will not be available, but usme maine zyada likh diya. aur me chale gaya. My dad., mom were called and all were worried. I had to go for 3 days, I had to return back on [the] second day. As soon as I reached and switched on my phone, I didn’t think second hand and made a video.”
Sahil further explained the reason behind apologising to his fans. He said that as soon as he had completed his digital detox and had switched on the phone, he had got oodles of texts on Whatsapp and Instagram. “Explaining every person, friend the same thing was too tiring for me. I thought that will go and vent it (sic) out what was on my mind”, the actor added.