Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Tuesday asserted that the Mekedatu project across river Cauvery will be implemented at all costs and that the people in the state should have no doubt about it.
In a veiled dig at Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, who had opposed the project earlier this week, he said that no one can stop the project.
When asked about the Karnataka govt’s plans regarding the Mekedatu project, BS Yediyurappa said, “Things are favourable for us in this regard, there is no question of halting it for any reason. We will implement the Mekedatu project within the legal framework and complete it, no one can stop it.”
Talking about his recent exchange of letters with MK Stalin, he said, “I had requested the Chief Minister (of Tamil Nadu) for doing it (implementing the project) in a friendly manner, as it will benefit both states, but for some reasons he did not respond properly, but still we will implement the Mekedatu project, let people of the state have no doubt about it.”
Yediyurappa’s comments have come days after he wrote a letter to his Tamil Nadu counterpart requesting him not to oppose the project. He had argued that the project is beneficial for both the states and that Tamil Nadu’s water supply will not be hampered.
Responding to Yediyurapa, Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin “strongly” urged him not to pursue the project and said it will affect the water supply of Cauvery to farmers.
Mekedatu is a multipurpose (drinking and power) project, which involves building a balancing reservoir, near Kanakapura in Ramanagara district, Karnataka.
The project once completed is aimed at ensuring drinking water to Bengaluru and neighboring areas (4.75 TMC) and also can generate 400 MW power, and the estimated cost of the project is Rs 9,000 crore.