It was on July 28, 2020, when Mandira Bedi and her late husband Raj Kaushal welcomed a four-year-old baby girl Tara to their family of three. Both Mandira and Raj shared happy photos with the little one and even penned heartfelt notes on social media. Today, Tara turns 5 and the actress has shared the sweetest birthday post for her on Instagram.
Mandira’s post reads: “28th July! One year today since you came into our lives, sweet sweet Tara… And so we celebrate you today… it’s your 5th birthday, my baby. I love you so much #beginagain” Along with this, Mandira shared a couple of happy photos with Tara. In one picture, Tara can be seen sitting on Mandira’s lap while in the other, the mother-daughter duo posed stylishly for the camera.
The Tashkent Files actress also shared another picture in the thread that features her late husband. Mandira’s hubby and Indian director Raj Kaushal passed away on June 30, 2021, due to cardiac arrest. Post his unfortunate demise, Mandira has been sharing unseen photos with him and their family of four. She has also been using the hashtag #beginagain in most of her posts with Raj.
As for Tara’s birthday, she shared a photo where Tara twinned with his mommy Mandira and brother Vir and father Raj posed happily.
Several celebrities have reacted to the post. The first one amongst them was Mandira’s best friend Mouni Roy who called the mother-daughter duo her “babies” in the comment section. Vidya Malavade also commented on the post and wrote: “Aww ..god blesss our angel Taroooo & her beautiful mommy .. Sending an ocean of love to you my M.”
Mandira and Raj had applied for the process of adopting a baby girl back in 2013. The process was completed in 2020 and when Mandira welcomed Tara to the Bedi-Kaushal clan, she had penned a special post introducing her to her Instagram followers and others.
Her post read: “She has come to us Like a blessing from above Our little girl, Tara Four years and a bit With eyes that sparkle like stars Sister to her Vir Welcoming her home With open arms and pure love Grateful, thankful. blessed Tara Bedi Kaushal Became a part of our family on 28th July 2020.”