Supreme Court granted bail to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in connection to the Delhi liquor policy case. There was a significant surge of happiness among the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders after the Supreme Court decided to grant bail to the party’s chief. However, Kejriwal will enjoy limited freedom as the SC has imposed strict restrictions along with his bail.
Below Are The Dos And Don’ts For CM Arvind Kejriwal
1. Arvind Kejriwal can’t enter Chief Minister’s Office or Delhi Secretariat.
2. He will not be able to sign any documents as CM.
3. Allowed to campaign in Haryana for upcoming Assembly Polls.
4. No limitations on him in his personal life.
5. No Talks or comments related to the liquor scam while on bail.
6. Release contingent on a bail bond of Rs 10 lakh.
7. Not allowed to leave India during bail. Kejriwal’s passport will remain with the Court.
8. The Delhi CM will have to be appear for trials unless court exempts him.
9. No interaction with any of the witnesses or any official files related to the case