In a shocking piece of news, Ananya Panday’s grandmother Snehlata Panday passed away on Saturday, July 10. Chunky Panday and Bhavna Pandey and along with several celebs arrived at Snehlata Panday’s residence to pay their last respects. Sohail Khan’s wife Seema Khan, actress Neelam Kothari, Samir Soni, and Deane Pandey were papped at the residence.
Ananya’s younger sister Rysa was spotted in a loose white shirt and track pants with her mom Bhavna at the residence. Sohail Khan’s son Nirvan had also arrived at the house later. Politician Bhai Jagtap and Baba Siddiqui were papped who came to pay their last respects.
Ananya, who was earlier snapped in the city for work, rushed to her grandmother’s house for the last rites. The actress was spotted in a white kurta with pajamas and a white mask
On International Women’s Day, Ananya penned a loving note for both her grandmothers and shared adorable photos with each. She wrote, “the epitome of grace, beauty, perseverance, humour, badass energy and boss woman vibes my Dadi and Nani – happy Women’s day to my best and happy Women’s day to all the lovely ladies out there – you are so very special and everything you need is right inside of you I love you guys u rock
Last year, Ananya, who shared a great bond with her dadi (father’s mom) posted a lovely video of Snehlata Panday dancing to the Jawaani song from Ananya’s debut film Student Of The Year 2. In the clip, Ananya’s cousin Ahaan Panday was also seen grooving with his grandmother. “Happy birthday to my forever jawan Dadi!!! 83 and still rocking – and on my song!!! How special is that,” the actress wrote in the caption