The Hindu community in Bangladesh has been reportedly urged by the newly formed interim government to pause Durga Puja-related activities, especially music, during ‘Azaan’ and ‘Namaz’.
The Home Affairs Adviser Lt Gen (retd) Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury announced on Tuesday that puja committees must turn off musical devices and audio systems five minutes before azaan. The adviser added that the committees have agreed to comply with the directive.
The Times of India cited him saying “Such activities need to cease during offering namaz, and the pause will have to be followed from five minutes before azaan.”
Discussions To Ensure Round-The Clock Security At Puja Mandaps
Durga puja will be observed from October 9 to 13, featuring a five-day celebration filled with religious and cultural activities. According to Chowdhury, more puja pandals are expected to be reportedly built this year in Bangladesh.
Chowdhury stated that discussions have taken place to establish round-the-clock security at puja set-ups. He further noted that measures will be put in place to prevent miscreants’ evil activities during the puja celebrations in Bangladesh.
Dr. AFM Khalid Hossain Warns Of Severe Punishment
While addressing the nation on Wednesday, Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus declared that no one should be involved in activities that disrupt religious unity as Bangladesh represents communal harmony.
According to Dhaka Tribune reports, Religious Affairs Adviser Dr. AFM Khalid Hossain warned those who break the rules and disrupt the activities at worship halls will be severely punished. He made the statements on a visit to the Godagari’s Prematli Gaurang Bari Kalimandir in Rajshahi district. Meanwhile, he advised the Hindu community to observe the festivities with grandeur and enthusiasm, promising that no one would be permitted to harm the temples.