Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath listed down his government’s achievements during its five-year tenure. Addressing a press conference, UP CM exhorted that during BJP’s rule, there were no incidents of communal violence and terrorist attacks. The media address comes just days ahead of UP elections 2022 which is set to begin on February 10.
The firebrand BJP leader stressed that no one wanted to invest in Uttar Pradesh because of the law and order problem, but after the saffron party assumed power in 2017, special focus was given to addressing the issue that yielded positive results. CM Adityanath claimed earlier UP was ranked 14th across the country in ease of doing business, but with the initiatives of his government, the state is now placed at the number 2 position.
The Uttar Pradesh chief minister also praised his government for effectively tackling COVID-19 during the devastating second wave of coronavirus and also swiftly containing the third wave.
Yogi Adityanath further said that the unemployment rate has come down to 3 per cent in UP as per CMIE. During the COVID-19 period, UP was the first state in the country to introduce skill mapping and also emphaisied on skill training of the workers which helped them get jobs, the CM asserted.
He said that his government eased the process of doing business and focussed on the online process to hire and issue tenders for various projects.
He said that introducing police reforms was a distant dream in Uttar Pradesh, however, his government laid special focus on this front and equipped the police force with modern equipment and also hired 1.5 lakh people in the force.
Adityanath said UP is the only state in the country where every gram panchayat has a Mahila Beat police officer.
The voting for the Uttar Pradesh elections 2022 will be conducted in seven phases starting from February 10. The final phase of voting will be held on March 7 and the UP election 2022 results will be declared on March 10.