In a frame-worthy moment, television actor Arjun Bijlani lifted the trophy on Sunday night after winning Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. While the finale was shot a few days back, and the winner was also revealed then, the episode premiered last night, and fans are still unable to keep their calm. The actor was on cloud nine after his victory and his uploads on social media stand testimony to his excitement for the finale.
After lifting the trophy on the stunt-based show, Arjun penned the most heartwarming thank you note. In his elaborate post, Arjun talked about how winning and losing don’t matter as much as the journey does. The actor talked about how the journey of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 was for him and for the other contestants on the show. In his post, Arjun thanked filmmaker-producer Rohit Shetty, who is the host of the show, for always pushing him on the show. The actor also give a shoutout to his fellow contestants Vishal Aditya Singh and Divyanka Tripathi, and she said they are also winners.
In the same post, Arjun thanked the stunt team of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 for always taking care of them. He also gave a shoutout to his fans and expressed his gratitude towards them for supporting him all throughout his journey, and even on his Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 stint.
Arjun’s post read: “Winning losing toh chalte rehta hai what really matters is the journey on the show . I think we all had a great one on #khatronkekhiladi11 . In all honesty I think @vishalsingh713 and @divyankatripathidahiya are also winners. Like I said the journey on this show matters . They have had an equally great one. I wana thank the stunt team of kkk for taking such good care of all of us .. a big thank you to the reality and creative team who make the show so interesting. Thank you @itsrohitshetty sir for pushing me every time and being such a great mentor . Thank you @colorstv .thank you #capetown .a big big thank you to all of you who supported me throughout my all deserve that trophy..thank you to the almighty for everything. Season 11 hamesha yaad rahega .. Ganpati bappa morya #kkk11.”