Bollywood actress Neena Gupta recently launched her autobiography Sach Kahun Toh in which revealed some lesser-known facts about her life. The actress talked about her life experiences, her ups and downs, her decision to be a single mother and even sensitive subjects from her past. Apart from this Neena also revealed how she made her way to the film industry and even became a legend in the TV world.
She also admitted that she has changed the name of many people in the book to protect their identities. Neena’s book was full of shocking revelations about her life and the people around her.
7 most shocking revelations made by Neena Gupta in her autobiography Sach Kahun Toh:
- When the actress was pursuing her MA in Sanskrit, she got married to a young man from IIT. The man in question was Amlan Kusum Ghose and the two were caught by Neena’s parents. Later, they decided to get married so that the actress’s parent would allow her to go on a trip. Within one year of marriage, they got divorced.
- Filmmaker Subhas Ghai asked her to wear a ‘heavily padded’ for her song Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai. She writes, “They put me in a tribal Gujarati outfit and sent me to Subhash Ghai for approval. ‘No! No! No! No!’ he shouted. ‘Kuch bharo.’ I was so embarrassed. In my opinion, he was referring to my choli and stating that it needed to be filled. It wasn’t anything personal, I knew. He had visualized something . . . bigger for the rendition.”
- When Neena’s daughter Masaba was about to be born, she had only Rs 2000 in her account. Luckily a timely tax reimbursement came in and she was able to get through the tough time.
- Apart from this, another surprising incident was when she was expecting Masaba, her friend and actor Satish Kaushik proposed marriage to her. Mentioning what Satish had told her, Neena Gupta has written, “Don’t worry, if the child is born with dark skin, you can just say it’s mine and we’ll get married. Nobody will suspect a thing.”
- Neena Gupta was all set to marry a guy and was shopping for a bridal lehenga when he called off the wedding. She writes, “Like I talk about that guy, I was going to get married and last minute, I had gone to get my clothes made in Delhi land all and he called me and he said I don’t want to marry you. Till today I don’t know why… So what can I do and I moved on. I would have loved to get married to him”
- The actress also talked about her family life and opened up about her mother’s suicide attempt after her father’s second marriage. In her book, she writes, “This betrayal from my father shattered my mother to the extent that she actually tried (and thankfully failed) to end her life”
- Neena Gupta also talked about experiencing the casting couch. She narrated an incident about a producer who offered her to spend the night with him after talking about a role.
The book offers a candid insight into Neena’s life.