Bollywood actor Sonu Sood recently made headlines when Income Tax Department swooped down on him and his business associates. The actor’s Sood Charity Foundation came under the radar and some shocking allegations were made. IT Department claimed tax evasion of around Rs 20 crore by him and other questionable deals with his business partners pegged at another Rs 240 crore.
Recently, the actor spoke to Times Now about the same and talked about the lack of support he got from Bollywood in the case. He shared that he was not expecting the support.
The actor shared, “Who will come to support when guests are sitting at your house. Whenever the guests come, no one from the industry is going to come. People do listen and they feel. You don’t know how many of them would stand with you. But one would think about this if one is expecting people to come out in support and shout slogans for you. I never expected anything and therefore no one came out to support me. Also, I don’t think people bother to support or raise their voice for anybody who might be in trouble with the authorities. Or why a person is being harassed? I don’t think anyone has ever raised a voice in such a situation. I think the world is still the same and we have always been a part of it.”
He was questioned about the time when Kangana Ranaut’s office was demolished by BMC and she didn’t get any support from Bollywood. Sonu responded, “Kangana’s matter was a different case. This is a completely different matter and someone else might be dealing with a different matter too. I believe, your voice must come from within. Some will speak their mind and heart and some won’t. But yes, coming out and offering open support was never a legacy. They were all there. This is a sensitive field and the past one a half years have been too sensitive for Bollywood too.”
Earlier this month, Sonu had shared a statement in the case. He stated, “Every rupee in my foundation is awaiting its turn to save a precious life and reach the needy. … In addition, on many occasions, I have encouraged brands to donate my endorsement fees for humanitarian causes too, which keeps us going.”