The ongoing boycott Bollywood campaign has been making the headlines frequently these days. From netizens to many known personalities from the Hindi film industry, people have been targeting certain celebrities from Bollywood and slamming them on various grounds. Recently, The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri, who has been expressing his views on several matters in the Hindi film industry, recently said during an interaction that the “Boycott Bollywood campaign is extremely good”.
Vivek Agnihotri who had earlier slammed Anurag Kashyap, Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh and other celebs, has now said that the boycott Bollywood trend is “showing the frustration” of people with the kind of films Bollywood is bringing to them. He is also affirmative of the fact that the “end result will be very positive”.
Vivek told Deccan Herald during a conversation about his opinion on boycott Bollywood, “It’s a complex issue, and calling for a boycott is fundamentally an individual thing. I feel the ‘Boycott Bollywood’ campaign is extremely good as it shows people’s frustration with the kind of films that Bollywood is producing, and its end result will be very positive.”
Also, when questioned if this boycott Bollywood trend is a “coordinated attack by the right-wing machinery”, Vivek Agnihotri was quoted saying by the publication, “I don’t think so. It’s more of a cultural revolt against Bollywood than a political one.” He further said, “Kashmiri Muslims, Bengalis, South Indians have problems with Bollywood because of their bad representation. Bollywood makes fun of the middle class who are their buyers, and they think people are dumb. Unlike South Indian film stars, Bollywood are not connected with people, and they behave as if they are ‘Gods’. The subject of South Indian, Marathi, Bengali, Odia and other cinema resonate with the masses.”
When asked if he considers himself a part of Bollywood, Vivek Agnihotri replied, “No, I’m not.”
Meanwhile, recently, director Prakash Jha also took a dig at “legendary actors” for endorsing gutkha.