Television actor Nirbhay Wadhwa, who has returned to the popular show, Vighnaharta Ganesha as Lord Hanuman, is happy to be back at work. The actor, however, shares that life during the pandemic hasn’t been as easy.
Opening up about his challenges, the actor said that while there wasn’t any major pressure, he did face a phase of financial strain. Wadhwa, in an exclusive interview with Times Now, said that there was a low point, but his friends and well-wishers helped him.
“There was a lot point. My friends and close well-wishers helped me then. There was rent to be paid, and the pandemic has been going on for months now. I sold one of my bikes, and I got money. Gaadi chalne lag gayi,” said the actor, adding that he is fond of bikes, and has many in his collection. The actor is also positive that he will get his bike back soon.
“There were some challenges because financial stability was impacted. Wo thodi upar neeche ho jaati hai because the shooting is stalled, and there are no events,” he said, adding that things are now slowly resuming normalcy.
Wadhwa shared that his life in the pandemic has otherwise been well. He utilised this time to be with his pet dogs, and tried to learn new skills. He also made use of this time to establish his social media presence on Instagram among other things. The actor also tried to keep negativity at bay as much as he could.
About his return to the mythological show, Wadhwa says that he’s enjoying this phase as he is playing Hanuman after a long time. The actor, who has previously essayed Lord Hanuman’s role in shows like Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman and Karmaphal Daata Shani apart from Vighnaharta Ganesha in 2018, said that he doesn’t feel any added pressure because this is something he is familiar with. The actor also said he is now used to working with harnesses and dentures, adding that he felt a bit of pain in the first few days, but it got normal soon.