Tensions have escalated following an alarming incident involving an Indian bus traveling from Agartala to Kolkata, which was allegedly attacked in Bangladesh’s Brahmanbaria district. The incident occurred on December 1, when a Sahyamoli Paribahan bus was reportedly struck by a truck on Bishwa Road, leading to a collision with an auto-rickshaw.
Tripura’s Transport Minister Sushanta Chowdhury condemned the attack, asserting that it was a deliberate act aimed at intimidating Indian passengers. Chowdhury described the scene as chaotic and frightening, with local residents allegedly threatening the passengers and shouting anti-India slogans.
“The bus was maintaining its lane when it was intentionally hit by a truck, causing panic among the travelers,” he stated in a Facebook post, sharing images of the damaged vehicle. Fortunately, no casualties were reported, but the incident has raised significant concerns regarding the safety of Indian nationals traveling through Bangladesh.
Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha expressed his alarm over the attack and emphasized the need for increased vigilance along the India-Bangladesh border. He remarked that the situation for minority Hindus in Bangladesh has been deteriorating and called upon Bangladeshi authorities to ensure the safety of Indian citizens. “The world is witnessing how they are facing oppression in Bangladesh,” Saha noted.
In light of this incident, there are growing calls for stricter security measures for cross-border travel. The bus service between Kolkata and Agartala via Dhaka is popular due to its affordability and convenience, but this attack has sparked fears about passenger safety. The Tripura government is actively seeking more information about the incident and has urged immediate action from Bangladeshi officials to prevent such occurrences in the future.