A biopic is being made on legendary Kathak dancer Sitara Devi’s life. The news was shared by the makers, on Monday, on the late dancer’s 101st birth anniversary. Sitara Devi’s son, musician Ranjit Barot has come on board to help the film’s makers in their research on his late mother. The movie is being bankrolled by Raj C Anand. The makers of the film will soon announce the cast and other details about the upcoming biopic.
For those unversed, Sarita Devi is one of the most iconic dancers of India. The artistes was a recipient of several awards, including Padma Shri, Kalidas Samman and Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. Also referred to as the Empress of dance, Sarita Devi was honoured with the Legends of India Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011.
In her career spanning over six decades, Sitara Devi didn’t just revive Kathak, she also inspired several women to take a stand for themselves. The danseuse, known for her bold personality and not mincing her words, had once refused to accept the Padma Vibhushan award, which is the second-highest civilian award in India.
Refusing to take the coveted Padama awards, she told news agency PTI, “It is my insult and not an honour.” The artiste added, “I will not accept any award less than Bharat Ratna.” Elaborating her point, the Kathak queen further said, “Little-known people who are younger than me have received Padma Vibhushan and I am being awarded Padma Bhushan. Is this the way to treat a leading artiste?”
Sarita Devi had also questioned the government for not recognizing her and her father’s contribution towards the art and said, “Four generations of our family have devoted their lives for the sake of this art and helped Kathak attain prestige in society.”
At that time, Devi had received a lot of flak for turning down the coveted award and was also attacked by trolls. The iconic dancer passed away in 2014. She breathed her last on November 25 at a hospital in Mumbai. She died due to an age-related illness.