A Delhi court on Wednesday discharged senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor in connection with his wife Sunanda Pushkar’s death case in 2014.
Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in a luxury hotel in the national capital on the night of January 17, 2014. She and Tharoor were staying in the hotel, as their bungalow was being renovated at that time.
Tharoor was booked under sections 498A and 306 of the Indian Penal Code by Delhi police, but was not arrested in the case. He was granted bail on July 5, 2018.
Reacting to the court’s decision, Tharoor said that the order brought a “significant conclusion to the long nightmare” which had “enveloped him after the tragic passing away” of his wife.
“I would like to express my humble thanks to judge Geetanjali Goel for her orders today, discharging me from the charges levied by the Delhi police, which I have consistently described as preposterous. This brings a significant conclusion to the long nightmare which had enveloped me after the tragic passing of my late wife Sunanda,” the Congress MP said in a statement,
Tharoor further said that he patiently faced several “unfounded accusations” and “media vilification” and “sustained his faith” in the judiciary.
“I have weathered dozens of unfounded accusations and media vilification patiently, sustained by my faith in the Indian judiciary, which today stands vindicated. In our justice system, the process is all too often the punishment. Nonetheless, the fact that justice has been done, at last, will allow all of us in the family to mourn Sunanda in peace. I am grateful to my lawyers, particularly Vikas Pahwa and Gaurav Gupta, for all that they have done to bring the case to this conclusion,” he said.