The Supreme Court of India ordered WhatsApp to inform users through newspaper advertisements that they do not have to adopt its privacy policy for 2021 and that changes to the app’s operation would not take effect until the next hearing on April 11.
a five-judge constitution bench chaired by justice KM Joseph ordered Meta-owned WhatsApp to run “full-page ads on two occasions in five national dailies” warning users that they do not have to sign the privacy policy.
In a nutshell, it means that those WhatsApp users in the country who haven’t yet accepted the instant messaging service’s privacy policies of 2021, will not face any disruptions in using the application.
The apex court noted WhatsApp’s identical stance that it will comply with the provisions in its letter to the government from May 2021.
“It may not be justified at this stage and may require reconsideration,” the court said.
The government and WhatsApp informed the court that the hearing might be postponed until the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill was brought before parliament in March and cleared up all of the issues stated in the petitions that were before it.
Senior attorneys Shyam Divan and KV Vishwanathan, who were representing the petitioners contesting WhatsApp’s privacy policy, opposed any postponement, claiming that the same justifications for the possibility that the data protection bill would become law were stated in 2017.
Justices KM Joseph, Ajay Rastogi, Aniruddha Bose, Hrishikesh Roy, and CT Ravikumar were on the court panel that issued the ruling, and they were joined by Justices Ajay Rastogi, Hrishikesh Roy, and Aniruddha Bose.
The Bench noted the commitment made in the letter dated May 22, 2021, as well as the argument made by Kapil Sibal, Senior Counsel for WhatsApp, that the company will uphold the provisions of the letter that the Court had extracted until the next hearing date.