SS Rajamouli’s RRR released in theatres today, March 25, and the response has been overwhelming. The Baahubali director’s magnum opus stars Ram Charan and Jr NTR in the lead roles and fans have been showering the triple R trio with love and applause. The film also sees a strong performance by American actor Edward Sonnenblick who essays the role of a high-ranking British military officer. We recently interacted with Edward and during the same, the actor opened up about shooting with megastars like Ram Charan and Jr NTR.
Edward spoke up about the stardom that Ram Charan and Jr NTR enjoy down South. He shared that while these two are worshipped by their fans, off-screen they are just “warm, normal people” who are dedicated to their work and their art. Recalling an incident from the RRR shoot, Edward spoke about a scene with Jr NTR that took multiple takes.
“There was one scene, in an action sequence that I was shooting with Jr NTR and like I said, Rajamouli sir is such a perfectionist so we ended up doing the same shot over and over and over before he got it right,” Edward said.
Edward shared that it was an important action scene and both he and Jr NTR had to give just the right expressions. It took him multiple takes to get the shot right but that did not bother Jr NTR. He was “chill” about it and let Edward take his sweet time. He added that even others on the set were patient and committed to getting the perfect shot.
He further added, “I had to turn out around quickly and stop right in front of Jr NTR so we are face to face and it had to be just the right position, just the right look on my face and everything had to be timed so perfectly. It took me so many takes. I lost count. But the whole time, Jr NTR was like totally chill and nobody was acting impatient and it really put me at ease. I really learned that it is part of the work for everybody.”