Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor’s new dance number Show Me The Thumka recently released. The peppy wedding song is from Luv Ranjan’s directorial Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. Soon after the release of the song, their quirky dance steps became the talk of the town. But, the debate took a furious turn when a Ranbir Kapoor fan claimed that the actor is the “best dancer after Madhuri Dixit”. Many netizens differ from him and said that Hrithik Roshan, Shahid Kapoor, and Varun Dhawan are better dances, while some agreed with him.
Twitter debate over Bollywood’s ‘Best Dancer’
The Twitter user shared the clip from the song and said, “He’s the best dancer after Madhuri Dixit in my book idc idc (I don’t care).” Another Twitterati disagreed with him and wrote, “Disagree on ranbir clearly but i like shahid a great deal too! probably the most light-footed one of them?”
A Varun Dhawan fan wrote, “‘I’m not sure about him being the best but certainly a very good one. I don’t think anyone in #Bollywood dances with so many expressions now, the style has changed a lot. I guess #VarunDhawan comes close, what do you think?”
About Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar
Helmed by Luv Ranjan, the film stars Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles. It also features Anubhav Singh Bassi, Dimple Kapadia, Boney Kapoor, Hasleen Kaur, Rajesh Jais, and Ayesha Raza in important roles. The film is scheduled to release on Holi, March 8.