In a rather shocking update, Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s husband Raj Kundra has been arrested by the Crime Branch in Mumbai after his alleged association was found in the creation of ‘pornographic films’ and publishing them on the mobile application. While Raj and his family are yet to open up about the matter, the Mumbai Police Commissioner had confirmed the development and has also shared his stance on the same.
But as per the latest developments, Raj was produced before the Court on Tuesday afternoon. While he has been sent to judicial custody till July 23, his alleged partner Ryan Tharp was arrested on Tuesday morning.
The latest update from ANI in this matter could be read, “Mumbai: Actress Shilpa Shetty’s husband & businessman Raj Kundra and one Ryan Tharp sent to Police Custody till 23rd July.”
Since morning, old tweets of Raj Kundra around “porn”, “prostitution” and “s*x” have been going viral on the web. Some alleged chats between Raj and his partners can turn out to be ‘key evidence’ amid the ongoing controversy. As per another Etimes report, a source shared with the portal, “Key piece of evidence in Raj Kundra arrest are WhatsApp chats between Kundra and his partners with relation to porn content.” The report had it that chats between Raj and his partners have them allegedly discussing profit earned, revenue gains, and content as shared on the mobile app, on which pornographic films were allegedly been uploaded. The chats reportedly date back to October 10.
Raj was reportedly arrested on Monday night following a case that was filed on February 2021. As per reports, a second FIR filed in the same matter had allegedly identified Raj as the “key conspirator”. A statement shared by Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale read, “There was a case registered with Crime Branch Mumbai in February 2021 about creation of pornographic films and publishing them through some apps. We’ve arrested Mr Raj Kundra in this case on 19/7/21 as he appears to be the key conspirator of this. We have sufficient evidences regarding this. Investigation is in progress.”
The news was confirmed by ANI in a tweet that could be read, “Businessman Raj Kundra has been arrested by the Crime Branch in a case relating to the creation of pornographic films & publishing them through some apps. He appears to be the key conspirator. We have sufficient evidence regarding this: Mumbai Police Commissioner.”
Since morning, former tweets of the businessman such as “Ok so here go’s Porn Vs Prostitution. Why is it legal to pay someone for sex on camera? How is one different to the other?”, “India: Actors are playing cricket, Cricketers are playing politics. Politicians are watching porn and Porn stars are becoming actors…!”, have been going viral on the web