“Arun Singh, in charge of Karnataka’s BJP unit’s clarification, has now given me 100% confidence that I will continue as the CM of Karnataka.”
Exuding confidence, BS Yeddiyurappa while speaking to media persons on Thursday in Hassan after holding a review meeting with officials on the rising Covid cases, said that he will complete his term as the CM of Karnataka and that Arun Singh will arrive in Bengaluru next week to sort the differences out amongst the disgruntled leaders and will make this amply clear.
With Arun Singh putting an end to the controversy that rocked Karnataka on unseating the CM, BS Yeddiyurappa said that there was no question of change until the next elections.
“Hundred percent, Arun Singh’s clarification has given me 100% confidence. My responsibility has increased with our Karnataka in-charge asserting that there is no change until my tenure as the CM of the state. He has also applauded the good work under my leadership. I will put more effort and honestly work for the next two years and live up to the trust shown in me by PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.”
Days after CM BS Yeddiyurappa said that he was ready to step down if the high command demanded, Arun Singh, Karnataka in-charge had clarified on Thursday that BS Yediyurappa has proved his mettle as a CM for the state and that he will continue till his tenure ends.
Speculations on unseating BS Yediyurappa has been doing the rounds for quite some time now, and last week, for the first BS Yediyurappa broke his silence that he would step down as the CM if the central leadership demanded.
A day after this, on Monday, MLA and political secretary of CM, Renukacharya indulged in a signature campaign by getting 65 party leaders to pledge loyalty by signing on a piece of paper.
“Top brass in Delhi has considered the change in leadership in Karnataka as they consider him to be incompetent. But it is not very easy. BS Yediyurappa is adamant. He has requested a chance to complete his term. The only reason for a change that Delhi command is looking at is because they feel BS Yediyurappa is incompetent now”.
Suspecting Cabinet minister CP Yogeshwar’s role in starting up the speculations on leadership change and attempting efforts to unseat BS Yediyurappa, the Karnataka government formed a committee to ensure party men don’t speak against CM.
The committee that comprises CM BS Yediyurappa, state BJP Chief, four general secretaries, and three ministers has been set up to ensure nobody speaks about leadership change in the state.