Kangana Ranaut’s Lock Upp has been gaining a lot of attention ever since its announcement. The reality show hosted by the Dhaakad actress witnesses many controversial celebrities participating in the show including Nisha Rawal, Karanvir Bohra, Payal Rohatgi, Poonam Pandey, Babita Phogat, Munawar Faruqui amongst others. Lock Upp started airing from February 27, 2022, and soon after grabbed several eyeballs for its engaging content.
With 16 controversial celebrities locked up in a jail, the episodes are full of high voltage. In the latest episode, actress Nisha Rawal could be spotted opening up about her troubled marriage with Karan Mehra and how she has been handling her son Kavish ever since their ugly fall-out in 2021.
Nisha Rawal could be spotted having a heart-to-heart conversation with Karanvir Bohra. She opened up about the domestic violence that allegedly broke her and Karan Mehra’s marriage. The Meet actress further revealed that he does not have any idea about the ‘negative things’ going on in their marriage and whenever her son talks about his father, she makes sure to embrace him. Nisha went on to disclose that Kavish was not even 4-years old when the domestic violence incident took place. She further said that her son rarely asks about his father because he was always away from home shooting in a different city and they were not in touch every day.
Karanvir Bohra then lauded Nisha for her wise decision and went on to say that marriages are going to be very rare in India in the coming days. He revealed that this is because money brings power and independence, and women are having voices of their own. The actor further went on to say that because a man cannot handle a woman’s independence, marriages do not work.
Nisha Rawal and Karan Mehra’s marriage have been grabbing several eyeballs ever since the former filed a domestic violence case against the latter. Karan was also arrested for allegedly beating up his wife at his residence but was later released on bail. The actress also alleged that Karan took out Rs 1 crore from her bank account and currently, the couple is fighting for their son Kavish’s custody