Defence Secretary Ajay Kumar announced the details regarding the manufacturing of C-295 fixed-wing aircraft in Gujarat. The C-295 transport aircraft for the Indian Air Force will be manufactured by Tata-Airbus at Vadodara in Gujarat. PM Modi is set to lay the foundation stone of the C-295 transport aircraft manufacturing plant in Vadodara on October 30, noted a Defence Ministry spokesperson.
The deal, signed at a whopping Rs 22000 crore between the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the European aerospace/ defence major Airbus for the acquisition of 56 C-295 aircraft, is a joint venture between Tatas and Airbus.
Defence secretary Ajay Kumar termed the deal as a ‘new ecosystem in Defence Sector.’ Most components of the aircraft will be locally made. The Defence Secretary also noted that the MSMEs involved in making parts will be certified to sell in the west. 125 MSMEs will be involved in the same.
The production line of the aircraft will come up in Gujarat. According to the contract signed between the MoD and the OEM, Airbus is slated to deliver the first 16 of the 56 aircraft in a flayway condition over the next four years. The remaining units will be manufactured by Tata Advanced Systems (TASL), the defence arm of Tatas, in India with transfer of technology (ToT) at the Gujarat plant.
“Apart from making 40 aircraft, this facility at Vadodara in Gujarat would be manufacturing additional aircraft for Air Force requirements and exports,” Ajay Kumar noted.
Defence Ministry officials further noted that 96% of the work that Airbus does in its facility in Spain would be done in the Indian facility. Electronic warfare suite for the aircraft would be done by public sector BEL.
‘IAF will become largest operator of C-295 transport aircraft’
IAF Vice Chief Air Marshal Sandeep Singh expressed confidence that the IAF would ultimately become the largest operator of the C-295 transport aircraft.
“There is no ban on imports. The policy is that whatever can be built in India would be built here. There’s an aggressive push to promote make-in-India items for Defence Forces. Operational preparedness isn’t compromised&operational readiness at forefront of our minds,” said Defence Secretary Ajay Kumar.
C-295 fleet to replace IAF’s Avros
The C-295 fleet, once inducted, will phase out the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) aging Avro fleet. During his October 9 visit to poll-bound Gujarat, PM Narendra Modi had said that the day is not far when Gujarat would manufacture planes. “Earlier, we were unable to make even cycles in Gujarat; now we are making cars and the days are not far when we will make aircraft in the state,” Modi had said during the inauguration of development works in the state.
Reports also suggested that the project is being monitored by the PMO. The production of the aircraft may begin in 2025. The project may come as a major boost for poll-bound Gujarat as it is expected to generate employment and investment. Airbus had previously stated that the C-295 production plant in India would generate 15000 skilled jobs and 10,000 indirect opportunities.
The project is also being viewed as a major step in the direction of Make in India, the government’s flagship project. It may be noted that the aircraft will be equipped with made in India Electronic Warfare (EW) suite.