In an unfortunate turn of events, Kannada filmmaker Pradeep Raj passed away earlier this morning, January 20, 2022, due to COVID-19 related complications. The news was confirmed by his brother Prashant Raj. According to reports, Pradeep had been a diabetic for 15 years and was suffering from a liver ailment in the last few months.
He was also recently infected with Coronavirus and was admitted to a private hospital. He breathed his last around 3 AM. in a private hospital in Pondicherry. Pradeep was 46. His funeral service will be conducted today in Pondicherry. The director survived by his wife and two children.
Following the news of his death, messages have been pouring in on social media for the family. Taking to Twitter, one user wrote, “Kirataka Movie Director Pradeep Raj Sir is No More…Rip #PradeepRaj Sir.. #KGFChapter2.”
Pradeep rose to fame for directing Kiraathaka, which featured Kannada star Yash and Oviya in lead roles. Kiraathaka is the official Kannada remake of the 2020 Tamil hit film Kalavani. The romantic comedy-drama was the 3000th Kannada film to be released.
Apart from Kiraathaka, Pradeep directed films like Ganesh’s Mr 420, Duniya Vijay’s Rajani Kantha, Sathish Ninasam-starrer Anjada Gandu and Bangalore 560 023 starring Karthik Jayaram, Chikkanna and Chandan.
The director also helmed Kiccha Sudeep-starrer Kicchu in 2018. It is the last film of Kannada actor Dhruva Sharma as he passed away due to multiple organ failures after attempting suicide in 2017. Kichchu is an adaptation of director Pradeep Raj’s novel Hotti Uriva Kichchinalli, in which a speech and hearing-impaired environmentalist is devoted to preventing deforestation in the Malenadu region of Karnataka. Dhruva was seen as the fighter, while actress Abhinaya essayed the role of his wife in this film.
May Pradeep Raj’s soul rest in peace. Our condolences to the family.