In a significant breakthrough in the Kannauj rape case, the Uttar Pradesh police have obtained the DNA report of former Samajwadi Party leader Nawab Singh Yadav, accused of raping a minor girl in Kannauj district. In a key development, SP Amit Kumar confirmed that Yadav’s DNA sample has matched, linking him to the crime.
The development follows a complaint against the leader, which stated that Yadav had called the minor girl and her aunt promising them to offer a job. Once they arrived, he allegedly attempted to sexually assault the minor. However, the girl managed to save herself by quickly contacting the UP Police helpline, 112, and reporting the incident. Acting on the SOS alert, the police registered the FIR and arrested Nawab Singh Yadav. The minor had undergone a medical examination, and her statement was recorded by the authorities.
Former Samajwadi Party block head and manager of a private educational institution, Nawab Singh Yadav, has been accused of raping a minor girl under the guise of offering her a job. The incident reportedly occurred when the girl’s aunt, who took her to Yadav’s private inter-college on the night of August 11-12, also on the pretext of securing employment, was arrested in connection with the case.