Bollywood actress Kajol recently marked her 47th birthday! The diva had a low-key celebration with her family and friends. However, a certain video from the actress’ birthday celebration has gone viral on social media but not for the right reasons. In the video, few fans of the actress arrived to wish her on the day and got a cake for it.
While she was surrounded by paparazzi and fans, everyone sang the birthday song for her and she cut the cake. While all was going well, Kajol refused the cake when it was offered to her by a fan. This act has left netizens fuming as many called the actress arrogant for this.
Photographer Viral Bhayani shared the video and wrote, “#kajol seen celebrating her birthday with few outstation fans outside her Juhu bungalow today. 19 years and over 30 films later, Kajol remains one of the most-loved stars in the country, and the numerous awards she has earned over the years prove that she has always been in a league of her own”