India’s daily COVID-19 caseload continues to decline, with 1,27,952 fresh cases being reported on Saturday. The active tally has dropped by over one lakh in the past 24 hours and presently stands at 13,31,648. The daily positivity rate also dropped from 9.27% on Friday to 7.98% today.
Data from the Health Ministry also indicates that 2,30,814 recoveries and 1059 deaths were also reported during this time. The recovery rate currently stands at 95.64%.
A little more than a year into the nationwide vaccination drive, India has administered more than 168.98 crore COVID-19 jabs. Earlier this year, the initiative was expanded to include older children (those above the age of 15) as well as facilitate the use of a third ‘precautionary’ dose for frontline workers and comorbid senior citizens. According to data available on the CoWIN dashboard, more than 5.34 crore children have already been inoculated with one dose of Covaxin. Over 1.37 crore individuals have also received a third dose of vaccine.