Tinsel town’s favourite couple Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar are all set to get married this month. The couple has decided to host an intimate wedding with only their close friends and family members in attendance on February 21, 2022. Ahead of the wedding, Shibani shared a photo on Instagram that has convinced us that she’s prepping for her special day. The actress shared a photo of her sleeping at the airport.
Shibani has snuggled with her blanket and comfortably slept at the airport lounge. Her bag and her shoes are kept on one side and she has taken a break right before the flight. Sharing the photo, she has revealed that she’s “exhausted but excited”. Well, we are guessing she’s exhausted prepping her special day with Farhan and also excited for the same.
In the comment section, Bad Luck Govind actor Gaurav Kapur has written that he is excited for the next weekend, discreetly hinting at Farhan-Shibani’s wedding. His full comment reads: “I am excited to be exhausted next weekend”
Farhan started dating Shibani in 2018 and after being together for almost 4 years, they have decided to seal the deal. Farhan’s mom, Honey Irani gave the couple her blessing. She told Etimes “It’s a joyous occasion and I am looking forward to it. In fact, everyone in the family is looking forward to it. We are very excited”
“The most important thing is that they are both very happy. I just hope they have a wonderful life; it’s really nice to see they are tying the knot now. They were very serious about each other,” Irani further added.
Farhan was previously married to hairstylist Adhuna Bhabani. The couple got divorced in 2017 and now co-parent two daughters, Shakya and Akira. Akira turns 15 today (Feb 12) and Farhan even shared a special post for her on Instagram.
Are you excited about Farhan and Shibani’s wedding?