Actor Vijay Deverakonda was questioned at the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for more than nine hours in connection with his recently released movie ‘Liger’. The actor told news agency ANI, “by getting popularity, there will be few troubles and side effects. It is an experience, it’s life. I did my duty when I was called, I came and answered the questions. They did not call me again.”
Vijay Deverakonda appeared before the ED today morning. Liger failed to collect even 30 per cent of the business it made and was like a nightmare for all those involved in the project.
Directed by Puri Jagannadh, the film ‘Liger’ was released on August 25. Made with a budget of a whopping Rs 90 crore, the Ananya Panday-starrer was a disaster despite the hyped-up promotions.
Recently ED summoned actor and producer Charmee Kaur and Director Puri Jagannad after they received complaint stating that foreign funding including Hawala money was invested in ‘Liger’ movie. Charmee Kaur and Puri Jagannad were questioned by ED a few days ago. Today actor Vijay Devarakonda arrived at the ED office after being summoned for questioning.
The actor himself had time and again spoken about the failure and it seems that the headache hasn’t gone yet. Amidst all the clamour, the film is making headlines for the wrong reasons as ED investigates allegations that a top politician invested hawala money in the project.