The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday submited its chargesheet in a special court in the 2016 Narada sting operation case, naming West Bengal ministers Firhad Hakim and Subrata Mukherjee, TMC MLA Madan Mitra and former party leader Sovan Chatterjee as accused.
All four of them have been summoned on November 16.
The three TMC leaders, along with former Kolkata mayor Sovan Chatterjee, were arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in May this year in connection with the case.
The arrest came after Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar, on a request by the CBI, sanctioned the prosecution of Hakim, Mukherjee, Mitra and Chatterjee.
All four were ministers in the Mamata Banerjee cabinet when the alleged scam came to light in the 2016 Narada sting operation.
Hakim, Mukherjee and Mitra were re-elected as TMC MLAs in the recently-held Assembly elections, while Chatterjee, who quit the TMC to join the BJP, has severed ties with both the parties.
About Narada sting operation
In the sting operation video, people resembling TMC ministers, MPs and MLAs were allegedly seen accepting bribes from the representatives of a fictitious company in return for favours.
The sting operation was conducted by Mathew Samuels of the Narada News portal and the video was released ahead of the 2016 West Bengal Assembly polls.
Several high-ranked police officers of West Bengal, including IPS officer SMH Mirza, then superintendent of police of Burdwan district, were also caught on camera taking bribes.
In 2017, the Calcutta High Court had ordered a CBI probe into the sting operation.