India’s Omicron tally rose to 33 on Saturday morning as a traveller from Zimbabwe tested positive in the national capital. This is the second case of the new COVID-19 variant to be reported from the city. According to the Delhi government, the person was fully vaccinated and was coming from Zimbabwe. He had also travelled to South Africa.
Nine fresh cases were reported on Friday, including a three-and-half-year-old girl from Maharashtra’s Pune district. As of Saturday morning, Maharashtra leads India’s Omicron caseload with 17 cases, followed by nine in Rajasthan, three in Gujarat, two in Karnataka, and two in Delhi.
The latest case involves a 35-year-old individual who has now been admitted to the Lok Nayak Hospital with weakness. LNJP Hospital incidentally has been designated for the treatment of patients infected with the Omicron variant. As per an ANI report quoting hospital sources, a 46 suspected Omicron patients have so far been admitted to LNJP. Of these, eight individuals have been discharged.
“Out of the 38 people admitted, 25 are COVID positive patients and two are Omicron positive,” hospital sources said.
Delhi’s first case had been a 37-year-old fully vaccinated man who arrived in the national capital from Tanzania. On Sunday, he tested positive for the new variant. A resident of Ranchi, he had had travelled from Tanzania to Doha and from there to Delhi on a Qatar Airways flight on December 2. He also stayed in Johannesburg, South Africa, for a week.