Popular TV actor Kunwarr Amarjeet Singh was cheated by his manager Primal Mehta. According to media reports, the manager had absconded with Rs 15 lakhs. The Dil Dostii Dance actor had filed a police complaint against the accused manager. Reports further stated that the actor had hired a manager as he was busy with his shootings and performances. He had trusted him with his cash and Primal allegedly had misused Kunwarr’s cash.
During an exclusive interview with Times Now Digital, the actor opened up about being duped. He revealed that he had got some amount of money back.
“Luckily, I got some amount back. I have been fooled multiple times. In between, I had a manager who fooled me up and took lot of money from me. I had to go through some legal procedure. I went to court and had to involve multiple people. I do not understand legal things, have not gone to court. That was my first understanding of how court procedure goes and how you need to be careful about your money. You cannot trust people. Luckily, I got some money back. We sorted the issue but it was an eye-opener. I am emotionally driven as I do not think from the mind,” the actor said.
To talk about the actor, he became famous because of his role as Reyansh from Dil Dostii Dance. Talking about the journey and experiences with the show Kunwarr said, “The journey with Dil Dostii Dance has been incredible. The show has given me a lot. I have learnt to act because of that show. That was my first experience and with my acting career. It was fantastic. I had lots of memories and it is always special for me. I never resigned from the show. I only once went to do Dare To Dance, which was happening in South Africa. For that show, I had to take one month kind of leave. That was the only time I was not in the show. I have always loved the show,” he said.
Talking about his struggles, Kunwarr said that when he was a dancer he did not have any source to learn anything, because he was from a small town in Indore. The actor mentioned that dancing was not the first choice for people. It was not that progressive, so learning and dancing to world-class dancers was a big task for him. He did not have access to his laptop, computer or internet as he was from a lower-middle-class family.