The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), on Monday, arrested Videocon Group chairman Venugopal Dhoot in an alleged ICICI loan fraud case. In a detailed prosecution complaint, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has decoded the complex relationship that existed between Chanda Kochhar, her husband Deepak Kochhar and Venugopal Dhoot. According to the ED prosecution statement accessed by Times Now, the Kochhars had a ‘close relationship’ with Venugopal Dhoot.
Excerpts from the ED prosecution complaint
How were the alleged bribes paid?
Kochhars stayed in a flat ‘owned by Videocon’
‘Chanda Kochhar and her husband, Deepak Kochhar had close relationship and prior acquaintance with VN Dhoot, Chairman & Managing Director of M/s Videocon Industries Limited (VIL) and Promoter of Videocon Group and Videocon Group of Companies. Ms. Chanda Kochhar was also shareholder in a company in which Mr. V.N.Dhoot / Videocon Group was having substantial interest / shareholding. She was living in the flat which was owned by the companies of Videocon Group or in which Mr. V.N.Dhoot / Videocon Group was having substantial interest / shareholding’.
Under her chairmanship, the bank sanctioned Rs 300 crore to Videocon
‘She neither disclosed these facts to ICICI Bank nor recused herself from the committees of ICICI Bank, recommending / sanctioning loans to Videocon Group of Companies. Ms. Chanda Kochhar was the Chairperson of the Sanctioning Committee of ICICI Bank which sanctioned loan of Rs. 300 crore to M/s Videocon International Electronics Limited (VIEL) to enable partial repayment of loan earlier taken by VIEL from VIL’.
Videocon transferred Rs. 64 crore from that to NRPL, owned by Deepak Kochhar
‘VIL rather than utilizing the funds for the sanctioned purpose of capital expenditure, transferred Rs. 64 crore out of the loan funds received from ICICI Bank to NRPL (a company controlled and beneficially owned by Mr. Deepak Kochhar). The predicate agency investigating the Scheduled Offence i.e. CBI, mentioned in its FIR that Ms. Chanda Kochhar in criminal conspiracy abused her position as MD of ICICI Bank and sanctioned loan to VIEL to cheat bank in lieu of illegal gratification / undue benefit received in the company (NRPL) of her husband for sanctioning loans / RTL to VIEL and Videocon Group Companies’.
What did the Kochhars use this money for?
‘The said amount of Rs. 64 crore is proceeds of crime transferred by Videocon Group / Mr. V.N. Dhoot to NRPL (a company beneficially owned and controlled by husband of Ms. Chanda Kochhar). The said proceeds of crime amounting to Rs. 64 crores have been utilised towards purchase of properties (Wind farm projects of 33.15 MW capacity). The benefits accrued from these tainted properties (proceeds of crime) are also integral part of proceeds of crime’.
‘It has also come on record that the proceeds of crime amounting to Rs. 64 crore were transferred to NRPL through a web of companies and an elaborate structure / web of entities was created to ostensibly hold this amount of Rs. 64 Crore, as described in the succeeding paragraphs of this Prosecution Complaint’.
‘The proceeds of crime amounting to Rs. 64 crore were not intended to be returned to VIL, because the company of Videocon Group namely M/s Real Cleantech Private Limited (RCPL, which was part of structure created for holding the proceeds of crime), was allowed silent death i.e. it was struck off in 2018 and the link for return back of funds to Videcon Group was broken. It is pertinent to mention that only after the investigative agencies took up the matter, Mr. V.N.Dhoot / Videocon Group attempted / applied for revival of the said company in 2019. This was done to show that the money paid to NRPL is to be received back by VIL and its group companies. This has been done in order to colour the transaction and project the same as genuine business transaction’.
Kochhars purchased the flat for ‘minuscule’ Rs 11 lakh
‘It has come on record that Ms. Chanda Kochhar and her family have enjoyed various facilities from Mr. V.N.Dhoot / Videocon Group of companies including receipt of proceeds of crime amounting to Rs. 64 crore by NRPL and use of flat located at CCI Chambers, Mumbai (as explained in the ensuing paragraphs) without payment of any consideration since 1996 to 2016. In 2016, the said flat was subsequently purchased by family trust of Ms. Chanda Kochhar by acquiring the Videocon Group company holding the said flat, for a miniscule sum of Rs.11 lakh while the value of the property was in excess of Rs. 5 crore (as it was sold for Rs. 5.25 crore in 1996 itself). The said transaction took place in the year 2016, but plan & design for the same started much prior to that’.