Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the upcoming union budget will “follow the spirit” of earlier budgets but at the same time will set a template to be followed for the next 25 years to augment India’s economic prosperity.
She also indicated that her forthcoming budget, the last full budget of the Narendra Modi government before the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, will continue to push growth on the back of public spending.
The finance minister, who will present her fifth straight budget on February , 2023 for the fiscal year starting April 1, had come out with a flurry of programmes to increase public spending to support the economy, as part of efforts to help the pandemic-battered economy come out of demand slowdown.
In the Budget, Sitharaman had raised capital expenditure by 35.4 percent for FY 2022-23 to Rs 7.5 lakh crore to boost demand, while the capex stood at Rs 5.5 lakh crore last year.
“It is very inspiring and motivating for me, especially at a time when we are readying the next budget for the country, a budget which will follow the spirit of the earlier Budgets. We are going to set the template, which was set to earlier but follow it and take it further for India’s next 25 years…,” news agency PTI quoted the FM as saying.
India’s GDP growth has been hit by global headwinds in recent months. Besides, rising interest rates globally have also impacted the economy.
The Reserve Bank has slashed India’s growth forecast to 6.8 percent for the current fiscal.
As per the central bank projection, the real GDP growth for 2022-23 is likely at 6.8 percent, with the third quarter at 4.4 percent and the fourth at 4.2 percent.
The Indian economy is projected to grow at 7.1 percent for the April-June quarter of FY2023-24 and at 5.9 percent in the following quarter.
The budget 2023-24 needs to address a host of critical challenges like high inflation, demand slow down, rising unemployment rate in the country.