Ace filmmaker Karan Johar returned to digital platform Voot with another entertainment-packed episode of Bigg Boss OTT. And, like every other week, he spoke to the contestants about all the major events that took place inside the BB house in the last 7 days. After talking to Neha Bhasin about her struggles with her identity and being blunt, KJo opened up about his struggles too. The host shared how his personality invites a lot of trolling on social media platforms.
Karan Johar gave a befitting reply to trolls on Bigg Boss OTT and said that he will never change himself or stop living because of the flak he receives online. While addressing the criticism he gets on Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites, the filmmaker said, “Maine kitab bhi likhi hai kud par – ‘The unsuitable boy’ kyuki mere bare main khud bhoth alag mehsoo krta hu. I break most, whether it’s a stereotype or sexuality, or a stereotype in any which way. Ki directors aise nhi hote, directors aise nhi karte. Kuch nhi hota yaar. Main yahi hu or yahi rahunga. Trollers kitna bhi bol le, log hath uthaiye, kitni bhi fingers utha le. My life and Twitter is open to judgement iska ye matlab nhi ki main jeena chod du. Kyuki main janta hu ki main kya hu.“
[Translation: I have written a book on myself – the Unsuitable Boy. I break most, whether it’s a stereotype or sexuality, or a stereotype in any which way. People say directors are not like this, this is not how they should be. There is no such thing. I am like this only and I will not change myself. No matter how much I get trolled or people point fingers at me every single day. My life and Twitter is open to judgement, that doesn’t mean that I will stop living.]
On several occasions, Karan Johar has been targeted by trolls and have been bashed left, right and centre on social media. From his lifestyle choices to his clothes, everything becomes a reason for trolls to spew venom and spread hate on his profile. And, with his latest statement on his show, he has shut down trolls once and for all