Five years ago, on this day, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein actors Vivek Dahiya and Divyanka Tripathi got married. And today, the couple celebrates their 5th wedding anniversary. Fans have started pouring in love for the IT couple of the Indian television industry. As mentioned earlier to us, Vivek and Divyanka Tripathi are going to mark their special day in the most adorable manner.
Before you see their anniversary celebration photos go viral on social media, read on to know DiVek’s love story, as narrated by Vivek.
In an exclusive interview with Times Now Digital, Vivek went down memory lane and revealed the moment he realised Divyanka was the one for him.
Vivek, who also won the reality show Nach Baliye with Divyanka, said that he considers their 5th marriage anniversary as their first little ‘milestone’.
“Five years is like the first small milestone, so we will celebrate it nicely. And this time, July has become all the more special because she has also done Khatron Ke Khiladi, it is our Nach Baliye anniversary, then it’s our anniversary, Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 promos have come out, my film’s trailer has come out. So, there’s a lot happening in July,” he shared.
On the work front, Vivek will be seen as Rohit Bagga in State Of Seige: Temple Attack with Gautam Rode and Akshaye Khanna.