Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu has refuted claims that the Chinese have been carrying out construction activities in the northeastern state. Khandu said he had seen the claims on social media that the Chinese have transgressed into Arunachal Pradesh and were building infrastructure.
The CM denied that any such thing was happening and added that whatever activities the Chinese were carrying out were well within their territory.
He criticised the Opposition for making baseless claims.
“Saw on social media that the Chinese entered (the Indian side) and are constructing again. As per the report which I have received, they didn’t. All activities are in their own territory. The opposition’s claims are wrong. I say confidently there’s no Chinese intrusion in Arunachal,” Khandu said.
He also slammed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his recent tweet that PM Narendra Modi had given 1000 square kilometres of Indian territory to China “without a fight”. His remarks came after the armies of India and China completed and verified disengagement at Patrolling Point-15 in the Gogra-Hotsprings area of eastern Ladakh earlier this week.
“Rahul Gandhi doesn’t have much knowledge of the Northeast, let alone Arunachal Pradesh. He raises such issues of the Northeast on which he doesn’t have in-depth knowledge,” the Arunachal Pradesh CM stated.
Earlier, reports had emerged that residents of Anjaw district in the northeastern state had seen and recorded on camera alleged Chinese construction work near Hadigara-Delta 6 in Chaglagam.
Reacting to the reports, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi had called on PM Modi to speak out, stating China was preparing for a war with India.