Three years after their beautiful wedding, Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia are expecting their second child. The couple, already blessed with a daughter Mehr, will be welcoming their baby soon. The duo did a cute photoshoot with their baby girl Mehr to announce the good news. Neha and Angad shared the same photo on their social media handles, in which the actress can be seen flaunting her beautiful baby bump.
Sharing the good news with fans, Neha took to Instagram and wrote, “Took us 2 days to come with a caption….The best one we could think of was … Thank you, God. @prasadnaaik #WaheguruMehrKare.” On the other hand, Angad announced it in a hilarious way as he penned, “New Home production coming soon.. Waheguru mehr kare.”
And now, in an exclusive interview with Times Now Digital, Angad revealed how he is taking care of Neha during her pregnancy and handling his wife’s mood swings that come with pregnancy. While talking about it, the Bollywood actor also revealed the challenges Neha is facing.
“This is my second innings in this, I would like to say (laughs). I think I am slightly better than the first time, I am slightly more understanding of the situation. The first time, it was very new and I was raw. When you make it big in your head, then it can get out of hand. But you have to go with the flow and got to be easy. You have to be more caring, you have to be warmer. You have to understand,” he shared.
Talking about Neha’s challenges during pregnancy, Angad added, “Right now, she is having situations where the nights are getting tough because obviously, the baby is also growing. Her sleep pattern is slightly affected and there are certain aches and pains in the body. So you have to be there. And the best thing you can do is to be there for your partner. And that is really what is valued.”
Meanwhile, Angad also revealed that he and Neha talked about having a second baby, but they never planned. And hence, the actress’ second pregnancy came as a surprise for both of them. The Soorma actor stated that it was a very joyful moment when he got to know that he is going to be a father again.