Rumour mills were recently abuzz that popular Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is miffed with the director of RRR due to the brief screen space she was allowed in the final cut of the film. To add fuel to fire, eagle-eyed fans were quick to notice that Alia had even deleted a few posts related to RRR. Even as fans raced to hasty conclusions, Alia herself has now decided to quash all such unwarranted rumours.
In a long post on her Instagram Stories, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actress wrote, “In today’s randomness I’ve heard that I apparently deleted my RRR posts because I’m upset with the team. I sincerely request everyone not to make assumptions based on something as random as an Instagram grid.”
She further added, “I ALWAYS realign old video posts from my profile grid because I prefer it to look less cluttered. I am eternally grateful that I got to be a part of the world of RRR. I loved playing Sita, I loved being directed by Rajamouli Sir, I loved working with Tarak and Charan – I loved every single thing about my experience on this film.”
The actress concluded by giving a reason as to why did she come to the social media platform to refute all such rumours. She wrote, “The only reason I’m bothering to clarify this is because Rajamouli Sir and the team have put in years of effort and energy to bring this beautiful film to life and I refuse to let any misinformation around the film and experience slide.”
Meanwhile, RRR has set the box office ablaze with tremendous business at the ticket windows. The film is nearing the Rs 700 crore mark at the global box office. According to film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh, RRR became India’s biggest ever opener with rs 223 crore worldwide, crossing the record of Baahubali 2, which had made Rs 217 crore on its opening day.