In a shocking raid, Bengal Police uncovered a stash of ‘Californium’, a rare and dangerously radioactive chemical at a TMC leader Amrita Ekka’s husband Francis Ekka’s residence in Darjeeling’s Naxalbari. The substance valued at Rs 17 crore per gram is typically used in high-security fields like nuclear reactors.
The search was conducted in a joint operation of the Bengal police and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) on Friday. Ekka has been arrested and is currently under investigation. The search team has also recovered sensitive (Defence Research and Development Organization) DRDO documents from his residence.
“We found several confidential DRDO documents and a large quantity of radioactive Californium in his possession. The accused person failed to give any clear answer as to why those materials were with him,” a police officer told PTI.
The availability of this highly sensitive substance and confidential documents has raised serious concerns about his links with the underworld network or involvement in a larger scheme to jeopardize national security.
Police have charged the accused with smuggling sensitive DRDO documents and radioactive materials, an officer confirmed. “He may have links to foreign organisations. He is being interrogated,” the officer said.
The house where the radioactive materials were recovered has been sealed, he added.