Bollywood’s popular comedy franchise, Housefull, is getting bigger with the addition of Dino Morea. After being in talks for some time, the actor has signed on for the film, which is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Tarun Mansukhani. Dino joins the star-studded cast, which already includes Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, Fardeen Khan, Sanjay Dutt, and Jackie Shroff.
Housefull 5 Cast
Dino Morea’s character is still under wraps, but reportedly he’ll have a key role that fits perfectly with the franchise’s comedy and drama style. Known for his work in both action and comedy, Dino is expected to bring a fresh twist to the chaotic, hilarious world of Housefull. His return to mainstream Bollywood, especially in a light-hearted role after his intense OTT performances, is something fans have been eagerly waiting for.
Housefull 5 Shooting
The film is set to start shooting later this month in London, which has been a key location for the franchise. Fans can expect a grand introduction for Dino’s character, promising more laughs and over-the-top moments that the series is famous for.
With each new Housefull installment, the comedy and madness only gets bigger, and Housefull 5 is no different. Dino Morea’s entry, along with Jackie Shroff, brings new energy to the film. With plenty of laughs, chaos, and unforgettable scenes, this movie is set to be a big entertainer when it hits screens in 2025!