The Election Commission of India (ECI) is all set to announce for assembly elections. The ECI scheduled the press conference to announce the date, time and counting date of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Elections 2024. Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar addresses a press conference to announce the schedule for the General Election to Legislative Assemblies.
There are a total of 90 Assembly seats in Jammu and Kashmir of which 74 are general, 9 reserved for ST and 7 for SC. There are total of 87.09 lakh voters in Jammu and Kashmir, of which 44.46 lakh are males, 42.62 lakh are females, 3.71 lakh are first-time voters and 20.7 lakh are young voters.
Voting is going for the polls in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir for its 90 Assembly seats
Nomination Filing Date: Phase 1- 27.08.2024, Phase 2- 05.09.2024, Phase 3- 12.09.2024
Scrutiny of nomination: Phase 1- 28.08.2024, Phase 2- 06.09.2024, Phase 3- 13.09.2024
Withdrawal of nomination: Phase 1- 30.08.2024, Phase 2- 09.09.2024, Phase 3- 18.09.2024
Voting Date: Phase 1- 18.09.2024, Phase 2- 25.09.2024, Phase 3- 01.10.2024
Result Counting Date: 04.10.2024