Asim Riaz has managed to create controversy with his entry in the show hosted by Rohit Shetty. In the latest episode Rohit lost his calm over Asim after he failed to do the task and he alleged that the makers have cheated, and he would want to check the footages. Later after checking the footage of the task, Asim failed to accomplish the task and Rohit lost his call over him. He even went on to say that next time if he misbehaves, he will thrash him.
Rohit questioned Asim for his behaviour and reminded that he did the same thing even yesterday on the show,” Kal bhi tune bohot bakwaas ki (Yesterday also you said a lot of nonsense).”. As Asim was trying to explain, Rohit lost his calm and said,” Sun meri baat sunle varna mei utha ke yahi patak dunga. Aise mere se badtameezi nahi karna (Listen to be otherwise I will thrash you here. Don’t behave badly here)”.
Asim later went on further to explain Rohit why he took this call to check the footages, where Abhishek Kumar the other contestant of the show warned him over his behaviour, Asim agitated and shouter, “Don’t f**k with me. I’m 31 years old and have been 15 years in the industry. Who are you talking about? You just got famous.”. Abhishek questioned if he is jealous of his success, Asim later added, No, I am not. Everybody is famous. Joh shaurat maine dekhi hai na, kisine nahi dekhi hai (Nobody else has seen the start I have seen).”
Later Asim was seen yelling at the makers and claimed that he isn’t in the show for money and earns three times then how much he is being paid. And he is only here for his fans. Asim’s this arrogant behaviour has been called out by the netizens strongly.