Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya and Science and Technology Minister Jitendra Singh launched India’s first nasal COVID-19 vaccine – ‘iNCOVACC‘ on Thursday. The nasal COVID-19 vaccine has been made by Bharat Biotech. A primary two-dose schedule and a heterologous booster dosage for ‘iNCOVACC’ have been approved.
According to Bharat Biotech, the cost of iNCOVACC for bulk purchases by the central and state governments will be Rs 325 per dose and Rs 800 per dosage for commercial vaccination clinics. Regardless of the first immunisation dose, everyone above the age of 18 will receive the vaccine as a booster shot. There will be two dosages, separated by 28 days.
Last week on Saturday, Bharat Biotech’s executive chairman Krishna Ella announced this during a gathering. Krishna Ella told students at Bhopal’s Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology that “our nasal vaccination will be officially launched on January 26 on Republic Day.”