Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh said India has become one of the world’s most cost-effective healthcare destination, with the latest technology tools deployed, across care delivery.
Addressing the Healthcare Leaders Summit-2022 of the Economic Times, Dr Jitendra Singh said, more than 10 lakh medical visas were issued to foreigners between 2019 and 2022 and the country is fast emerging as the Medical Tourism Hub of the world. He said, this number is quite significant as there was almost complete ban on international travel during the pandemic. The Minister also pointed out that India has almost 600 globally and nationally accredited hospitals that provide world-class treatment in cost-effective manner.
The union minister further said that healthcare sector in India is expected to grow to reach a size of $50 billion by 2025, while the global medical tourism market is estimated to be worth about $72 billion. He said, India’s share in medical tourism is expected to be around 10 billion dollars by 2023. Moreover, the country is the world’s largest supplier of generic drugs, the Minister added.
Dwelling on the topic of the summit, “Building a Cohesive Healthcare Ecosystem in India through Proactive Government Initiatives” Dr Singh pointed out that only last month, while inaugurating health facilities in Gujarat, Prime Minister Modi said, “If the heart and intention of the government are not filled with concern for the people’s problems, then the creation of suitable health infrastructure is not possible”. The Minister emphasised that the intention and policies of the government are in perfect alignment for creating affordable healthcare for all.
Dr Singh said, ever since 2014, Modi Government is hand-holding in harnessing the enthusiasm of scientific brilliance and addressing the most pressing healthcare challenges of the current generation and being future-ready. He said, massive efforts are also on in building a robust life sciences ecosystem through science and research, which will in turn reduce health inequalities and build a clear road map on the continuing successes of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. He said, the action plan laid out by the government to support healthcare stakeholders to create a vibrant healthcare ecosystem in the country is happening through funding, incentives, government and industry-academia partnership and incubation.