Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal alleged that her house was attacked and cars were damaged while she and her mother were away from home. Pictures showed damaged cars as she alleged that an unknown attacker broke into her house and also vandalised cars parked outside her house.
“Just a while back some attacker entered my house. “One of the cars belonged to me and the other was my mother’s. Thankfully, my mother and I were not at home, otherwise, I don’t know what would have happened! Whatever you do, I will not be scared,” she tweeted.
Arvind Kejriwal reacts
Reacting to the incident, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the law and order situation has worsened in the national capital in the last few days. Attacking Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena over the incident, he said “Even the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women is not safe”.
“I hope that LG sahib will invest some time to fix the law-and-order situation,” he tweeted.
The recent attack comes days after the DCW chief alleged that she was getting rape threats on social media for speaking against the participation of filmmaker Sajid Khan in Bigg Boss. Many women had accused Khan of sexual harassment and exploitation during the MeToo movement.
“Ever since I wrote a letter to the I&B minister to get Sajid Khan out of Bigg Boss, I have been receiving rape threats on Instagram. Obviously they want to stop our work. I am giving complaint to Delhi Police. Register FIR and investigate. Arrest those who are behind them!,” she had tweeted.