Chiyaan Vikram’s highly anticipated action thriller film Cobra directed by R Ajay Gnanamuthu is up for release on August 31. This is third movie for the director who is known for making unconventional movies in an engaging manner. SS Lalit Kumar has produced the movie under Seven Screen Studios banner, while the Telugu release will be through NV Prasad’s NVR Cinema. Just a few days before the release of the movie, the makers unveiled theatrical trailer of the movie.
Vikram plays the titular character of Cobra, a genius who breathes numbers every single second of his life and who can find a solution mathematically to every problem. The trailer also makes a reference to the title. Just like Cobra who keeps shedding its skin, can hide and attack its enemies, Vikram’s character also dons multiple avatars, spanning across countries, and commits crimes using mathematics.
Former Indian Cricketer Irfan Pathan who is debuting into films appeared as a cop who is on a hunt for the elusive Cobra. Srinidhi Shetty essayed Vikram’s love interest, wherein Roshan Mathew appeared in a negative shaded role. Miya George, KS Ravikumar and Mrinalini Ravi are the other prominent cast.
As soon as the trailer launched, a number of people took to the comments section to share appreciation posts for Chiyaan Vikram’s acting. “No one can beat Vikram Sir A man with Zero haters. Outstanding Trailer,” while a second shared, “This movie is also going to be a blockbuster.” A third person commented, “The only person who chooses different scripts even in this age irrespective of result. All the best to the entire team From MAHESH BABU FAN’S.” One fan even wrote, “I’m honestly impressed.”
Vibrant visuals and high-octane action sequences are the other big assets, other than Vikram’s splendid show. AR Rahman has helmed the music department, while Harish Kannan has cranked the camera.
The movie will have simultaneous release in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages.