Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who is known for doing films with a social message, has landed in legal trouble for one of his upcoming movies Ram Setu. BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has threatened to sue the actor over alleged ‘false portrayal of Ram Setu issue’ in his movie. Swamy also revealed in one of his tweets that he would be seeking compensation from the makers of the film over this matter.
Subramanian Swamy took to his Twitter accounr and wrote, “The suit for compensation has been finalised by my associate Satya Sabharwal Adv. I am suing Akshay Kumar, actor & Karma Media for damages caused by falsification in the portrayal of the Ram Setu issue in their film for release.”
Swamy’s advocate Satya Sabharwal also confirmed the update and tweeted, “A film based on Ram Setu, has been produced by Karma Media, where Dr. @Swamy39’s SC Order has been used as a Poster. Will be filing a Suit. Poster and Hon’ble Supreme Court’s Order in Dr. Swamy’s Petition attached.”
Speaking about Ram Setu, the movie is an upcoming action-adventure drama helmed by The Shaukeens director Abhishek Sharma. Other than Akshay Kumar, it also stars Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha in lead roles. The story will reportedly be following an archeologist investigating the nature of the Ram Setu.
Ram Setu is slated to hit the big screens on October 24, 2022.
Other than Ram Setu, Akshay Kumar will also be seen in a lead role in Raksha Bandhan, Kathputli, Selfiee, OMG 2 – Oh My God! 2, Capsule Gill and untitled Hindi remake of Suriya’s Soorarai Pottru.