Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya parting ways a few days before their fourth wedding anniversary was one of the most shocking couple separations in the Telugu film industry. Having been together for around a decade, the duo revealed that they wanted to pursue their own paths individually. Since their separation announcement, fans of the two have been heartbroken and every little glimpse of them from the past have been doing rounds on the internet.
Recently, a video had surfaced from last year when Samantha spilled the beans about the reason why she started going to the gym and it has nothing to do with her being a fitness fanatic. In fact, she blushingly revealed that she started going to “check out” her estranged husband Naga Chaitanya.
Following this, we stumbled upon another interview from 2019 that has cropped up. Speaking to India Today, Samantha opened up about being trolled after marriage and how people couldn’t stop asking her about having a baby after the wedding. The Majili actress had shared if the constant questioning annoyed her or not.
She had said, “I think that sometimes people don’t know what to ask and they ask when I’m going to have a baby. But, I don’t think they mean any harm or anything. Now, people have started asking ‘Don’t you get irritated?’ But, it’s not like that and I think it’s like any other question. Well, I ask my friends about when they’re going to have a baby. I think this is something like that.”
The actress had even talked about being more of herself in Oh Baby and how estranged husband Naga Chaitanya thought about it. “My husband says that this is the most ‘me’ he has ever seen on screen. I guess, a lot of it. But, sometimes, when you have to be yourself in front of the camera, it’s not very easy. I’ve done my part, so let’s see,” she had said.
Sam and Chay, as their fans used to call them, broke off in 2021. A part of their heartbreaking message read, “We are fortunate to have a friendship of over a decade that was the very core of our relationship which we believe will always hold a special bond between us. “